jetty Rondvaardij Princenhof The Stripe 2, EarnewâldHIGH TEA Cozy up with girlfriends, friends or family and enjoy a cup of tea with sweet and savory treats in a casual way? Then this is a suitable...
HIGH TEA Cozy up with girlfriends, friends or family and enjoy a cup of tea with sweet and savory treats in a casual way? Then this is a suitable...
Experience De Alde Feanen by night! 21:30 - 23:30 | Experience this exciting and unforgettable two-hour cruise in pitch darkness. In the process, the skipper treats you to local...
Pancake tour Will you join us for a fun cruise and unlimited pancakes? The pancakes are baked with ingredients from a local producer. Let your imagination go and garnish...
Round trip "De Alde Feanen 'De Princenhof' and 'De Alde Feanen' near Earnewâld are among the most beautiful unspoiled nature reserves in the Netherlands. With its beautiful lakes and canals,...
Round trip "De Alde Feanen 'De Princenhof' and 'De Alde Feanen' near Earnewâld are among the most beautiful unspoiled nature reserves in the Netherlands. With its beautiful lakes and canals,...
Earnewâld Fries Museum on Paad Friday, Oct. 11, 2024: with Hinke Koopmans' parachute dress When there are few materials to work with, you have to improvise with what you have....
On Saturday, November 23, 2024, It Kokelhûs is organizing a fair/frijmerk in cooperation with the Doarpskeamer. In addition to It Kokelhûs, the Skûtsjemuseum is also present. The idea is that...
Leave Bern, On sneon November 23 it is wer safier Then I come yn Earnewâld, echt wier At 17.00 oere Meie jim by it otterbyld kiekeloere Sint en syn Pyten
Unique Walking Tour through National Park De Alde Feanen for charity Date : Sunday, April 13, 2025 Distances : 5 and 10 km start time between 12.00 - 14.00...
For the sporty recreational bicycle(t)er, April and May are the months of bicycle tours in Fryslân. The Princenhof Tour on King's Day is now among the Frisian spring classics. Start...
PRINCENHOFTOCHT SKÛTSJES At the beginning of the sailing season, local skûtsjes compete for honor in a friendly tour race. If the wind is favorable, the trip will start at 13:00...
ARRIVAL FEANKENINGINNE At the opening of the water sports season, a new "Feankeninginne" is traditionally inaugurated each year in Earnewâld. She will represent the village during various events in...