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Shanty choir The Piipegaeltsje Sjongers

Earnewald Tourist Office Piet Miedemaweg 9, Earnewâld

Shanty choir The Piipegaeltsje Sjongers   The Piipegaeltsje Sjongers from the Rottefalle have existed since 1994 and will celebrate their 30th anniversary next year, they are regularly on the road...

Round trip “De Alde Feanen

jetty Rondvaardij Princenhof The Stripe 2, Earnewâld

Round trip "De Alde Feanen 'De Princenhof' and 'De Alde Feanen' near Earnewâld are among the most beautiful unspoiled nature reserves in the Netherlands. With its beautiful lakes and canals,...

Experience De Alde Feanen by night!

Alde Feanen Rental and Mediation The Stripe 22, Earnewâld

Experience De Alde Feanen by night!   21:30 - 23:30 | Experience this exciting and unforgettable two-hour cruise in pitch darkness. In the process, the skipper treats you to local...

Round trip “De Alde Feanen

jetty Rondvaardij Princenhof The Stripe 2, Earnewâld

Round trip "De Alde Feanen 'De Princenhof' and 'De Alde Feanen' near Earnewâld are among the most beautiful unspoiled nature reserves in the Netherlands. With its beautiful lakes and canals,...

Round trip “De Alde Feanen

jetty Rondvaardij Princenhof The Stripe 2, Earnewâld

Round trip "De Alde Feanen 'De Princenhof' and 'De Alde Feanen' near Earnewâld are among the most beautiful unspoiled nature reserves in the Netherlands. With its beautiful lakes and canals,...


jetty Rondvaardij Princenhof The Stripe 2, Earnewâld

HIGH TEA   Cozy up with girlfriends, friends or family and enjoy a cup of tea with sweet and savory treats in a casual way? Then this is a suitable...

Experience De Alde Feanen by night!

Alde Feanen Rental and Mediation The Stripe 22, Earnewâld

Experience De Alde Feanen by night!   21:30 - 23:30 | Experience this exciting and unforgettable two-hour cruise in pitch darkness. In the process, the skipper treats you to local...

Pancake tour

jetty Rondvaardij Princenhof The Stripe 2, Earnewâld

Pancake tour   Will you join us for a fun cruise and unlimited pancakes? The pancakes are baked with ingredients from a local producer. Let your imagination go and garnish...

Round trip “De Alde Feanen

jetty Rondvaardij Princenhof The Stripe 2, Earnewâld

Round trip "De Alde Feanen 'De Princenhof' and 'De Alde Feanen' near Earnewâld are among the most beautiful unspoiled nature reserves in the Netherlands. With its beautiful lakes and canals,...

Round trip “De Alde Feanen

jetty Rondvaardij Princenhof The Stripe 2, Earnewâld

Round trip "De Alde Feanen 'De Princenhof' and 'De Alde Feanen' near Earnewâld are among the most beautiful unspoiled nature reserves in the Netherlands. With its beautiful lakes and canals,...