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You’re on vacation in Earnewâld but now what?

We made a bucket list of activities and must-sees of the area. Have fun!
Click on any of the items for more information.

Explore National Park De Alde Feanen by sloop, canoe, round trip or sailing pram.

Much of National Park De Alde Feanen is only accessible by water. Several sloop routes have been established through the area. Especially for canoes and SUPs, parts of the area have been opened where no other boats can enter and where you can really enjoy the beautiful nature. There are also regular sailing trips with sailing prams and skûtsjes. Ships that have traditionally played an important role in the development of the area.
– Boat Rental Earnewâld
– Information Cruises
– Check the calendar for skûtsje and praam tours

Spot the “Big Five” of De Alde Feanen National Park.

You don’t necessarily have to go to Africa to look for the “Big Five.” In fact, National Park De Alde Feanen has its own “Big Five.” Venture out to meet its extraordinary residents. Do you manage to spot all five of them:
– Cormorant
– Ree
– Bald Eagle
– Stork
– Bittern
Click here for more information

Take a selfie with the Otter statue.

After the last Otter from Earnewâld was killed in 1989, several otters were reintroduced into National Park De Alde Feanen in 2011. In recent years, the population has slowly expanded. The presence of these animals are a crowning achievement of the nature manager ‘It Fryske Gea’ Near the old lock is the Otter statue.
Take a selfie with the otter and post it on social media. Use #earnewald #otterimage #aldefeanen

Admire the two churches with the most extraordinary pulpit in Friesland.

The Reformed church was built in 1906. The church has a very unusual pulpit shaped like the prow of a skûtsje. The Dutch Reformed Church was built in 1794, with a 1699 pulpit. In it is carved the coat of arms of Earnewâld, an eagle with two heads. Opening and starting times of services are posted at the entrance.

Take a walk through De Alde Feanen or join an excursion by It Fryske Gea.

Nature organization It Fryske Gea owns and manages National Park De Alde Feanen. From the visitor center National Park De Alde Feanen, they provide visitors to the area with all the information they need. Excursions are organized almost daily.
Click here for more information.

Visit the kokelhûs, anno 1777, of Jan and Sjut.

The small, atmospheric museum is located in the middle of the village of Earnewâld. The (original) house was built in 1777 by a bog boss and has been on display as an antiquities room since 1957. Jan and Sjut van den Berg lived here until 1955. They had a grocery store and were milk hawkers, among other things. Jan was additionally cane cutter, shearer, farm laborer. They also have many Earnewâldster floor mats woven from rushes (kokels in Frisian). This explains the name of this museum “It Kokelhûs fan Jan and Sjut.”
Click here for more information.

Learn about the history of skûtsjes at the skûtsjemuseum.

Central to this museum is the life of an earlier generation of sailors who sailed on skûtsjes. But today’s SKS and IFKS championship competitions also get plenty of attention. Old crafts from shipbuilding such as blacksmithing and sailmaking are featured in specially equipped workshops. At the quay is the Aebelina, the only wooden skûtsje still sailing and showpiece of the museum.
Click here for more information.

Will you manage to take a selfie with the three skating marathon cracks?

Earnewâld is a real skating village, its sheltered watery surroundings lend themselves perfectly to skating on natural ice in winter. When the ice is strong enough, the village organizes one of the natural ice classics. In honor of this, there is the Riders statue. ‘Riders’ is Frisian for skaters. With three winners of the natural ice classic the “100 fan Earnewâld” skating behind each other, this work of art floats on the water opposite the harbor.
Take a selfie with the skating image and post it on social media. Use #earnewald #skate image #aldefeanen.

Cycle the ferry route; a wonderful bike ride where you cross the water five times on a bike ferry.

You can cycle beautifully in and around National Park De Alde Feanen. There are routes where you have to cross several times by ferry, you can visit a watchtower or visit several bird-watching huts. Click here for more information about the ferry route the 8 of Grou.

From Earnewâld you can also explore the beautiful “Wâlden”. This is a beautiful sheltered and tree-lined coulisse landscape northeast of Earnewâld. Toward the southwest you will find an open and pristine old Frisian meadowland. Opportunities abound!


Cruise to the W.O. II crash site with the Lancaster R5682 memorial.

September 2017, in National Park De Alde Feanen, the salvage of an old World War II plane wreck was started. The excavated plane and the history of its last flight has an impressive permanent exhibit at the National Park De Alde Feanen Visitor Center. This exhibition is free of charge. A beautiful monument has been unveiled at the site of the crash: The Swallow Harbor.
Click here for more information.