In the heart of Fryslân lies the Natura 2000 area the Alde Feanen. At over 2,140 hectares, this national park is one of the largest wetlands in Western Europe. The area has a varied landscape with lots of water and reed beds and a great diversity of animals and plants. This makes the Alde Feanen particularly attractive for recreation.
LIFE+ project
Last year 3.2 million euros was made available by the European Union to improve nature and water quality in the Alde Feanen . This LIFE+ grant, together with a contribution of 3.2 million from Province of Fryslân, Wetterskip Fryslân, Municipality of Leeuwarden, It Fryske Gea and Stowa, makes it possible to implement a number of measures to improve the natural values in the area.
Booming Business
The LIFE+ project “Booming Business” is committed to restoring nature in the Alde Feanen, improving water quality and increasing navigability in the coming years. The project consists of six clusters of measures. These are designed to restore and protect the low bog wetlands. The work will take place in the area west of the Vaarweg to Drachten (the polder section). Initial work will begin in spring 2015.
For more information about the project, visit