The skûtsjemuseum focuses on the lives of past generations of skûtsj skippers.

The skûtsjemuseum focuses on the lives of past generations of skûtsj skippers.

Old crafts from shipbuilding such as blacksmithing and sailmaking are featured. Hundreds of skûtsjes parts and tools are attractively displayed. In a recreated deckhouse, get a taste of the old bargee’s life. You smell tan and tar. You will experience the cramped space on board around 1900, when skûtsjes under sail carried daily loads of peat, terpmudder, manure or sand. You will discover the hard existence of hard work, sometimes poverty and often the joy of a free life, with wind and water. At the dock is a unique little ship, a replica of a wooden skûtsje from 1861.

At the Skûtsjemuseum, you can use our AUDIOTOUR( for free. You must have your own smartphone or iphone.



Open from April 27 through Oct. 6 on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 p.m.-5 p.m.

In July and August ( + Sept. 1) every day, except Monday, from 1 p.m.-5 p.m.

Pentecost Monday, May 20, open from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

During the fall vacations Nov. 19 to 3, open all days except Monday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.


Bookings (for group visits) are possible all days of the year at any time. Call 0616933805

Entrance fees

Entrance Skûtsjemuseum4,50
Entrance children up to 12 years of age1,00
Fryslân package Skûtsjemuseum (entrance, guided tour, 2 coffees, orange cake – minimum 10 pers.)11,50p.p.
Cost of tour per group

Elementary school groups 5 through 8

Morning program from 9:30 a.m. to approximately noon Minimum 10 students. Maximum 30 students (entrance, tour, games, refreshments) Only bookable from May 6 through October 8 on Mondays and/or Tuesdays This program also ties in nicely with the location lesson of the digital curriculum: Pake syn Skûtsje (

Elementary school groups 5 through 8

Day program from 9:30 a.m. to about 3 p.m.: morning (see above), afternoon cruise and hike through the Alde Feanen. Students bring their own lunch € 3,50 p.p. Minimum 10 students. Maximum 24 students € 3.50 p.p. (entrance, tour, games, refreshments)

Cost flatboat incl. skipper: base price up to 20 II € 160.00 (Each additional pupil up to the maximum of 24 II. € 8.00 p.p. )

Only bookable from May 6 to Oct. 8 on Mondays and/or Tuesdays




Coffee / tea1,75
Soft Drink2,00