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Fairground in Earnewâld

Pizel slice Wiidswei 1A, Earnewâld, Netherlands, Nederland

Fairground in Earnewâld   During the start of the construction season and SKS skûtsjesilen, the village is celebrating. On the grounds at the marina there is a carnival!

Twilight tour through National Park De Alde Feanen

jetty Hotel Princenhof Piet Miedemaweg 15, Earnewâld

Twilight tour through National Park De Alde Feanen From July 5 to August 31, 2024, a whisper pram departs every Friday and Saturday evening for a scenic tour from the...

Ice club Lyts Bigjin organizes Priksleeën

Ring canal Piet Miedemaweg 9, Earnewâld

Prick sledding on summer ice   Ludic spectacle Priksleeën in summer in Earnewâld!   Ice club Lyts Bigjin is not letting the climate changes get it down and is organizing...

Mr. Tambourine Man & Friends

Earnewald Tourist Office Piet Miedemaweg 9, Earnewâld

Mr. Tambourine Man & Friends   Mr.Tambourine Man & Friends, consisting of: Gerard Rinsma - guitars, vocals Henk Roodbergen - bass guitar, vocals Jaap Eissens - percussion, percussion   Our...

Round trip “De Alde Feanen

jetty Rondvaardij Princenhof The Stripe 2, Earnewâld

Round trip "De Alde Feanen 'De Princenhof' and 'De Alde Feanen' near Earnewâld are among the most beautiful unspoiled nature reserves in the Netherlands. With its beautiful lakes and canals,...

Fairground in Earnewâld

Pizel slice Wiidswei 1A, Earnewâld, Netherlands, Nederland

Fairground in Earnewâld   During the start of the construction season and SKS skûtsjesilen, the village is celebrating. On the grounds at the marina there is a carnival!

Experience De Alde Feanen by night!

Alde Feanen Rental and Mediation The Stripe 22, Earnewâld

Experience De Alde Feanen by night!   21:30 - 23:30 | Experience this exciting and unforgettable two-hour cruise in pitch darkness. In the process, the skipper treats you to local...

Sailing with the Aebelina

De Stripe 12 9264 TW Earnewâld

Sailing with the Aebelina The first and only wooden skûtsje (since 1900) is organizing boarding days in July and August 2024. Sail along from Earnewâld! Get to know this beautiful...

Museum It Kokelhûs fan Jan and Sjut

It Kokelhus fan Jan and Sjut It Fliet 16, Earnewâld

Welcome to museum It Kokelhûs fan Jan and Sjut The small, atmospheric museum is located in the middle of the village of Earnewâld. The (original) house was built in 1777...

Round trip “De Alde Feanen

jetty Rondvaardij Princenhof The Stripe 2, Earnewâld

Round trip "De Alde Feanen 'De Princenhof' and 'De Alde Feanen' near Earnewâld are among the most beautiful unspoiled nature reserves in the Netherlands. With its beautiful lakes and canals,...

Museum It Kokelhûs fan Jan and Sjut

It Kokelhus fan Jan and Sjut It Fliet 16, Earnewâld

Welcome to museum It Kokelhûs fan Jan and Sjut The small, atmospheric museum is located in the middle of the village of Earnewâld. The (original) house was built in 1777...

Afternoon tour Grou

jetty Rondvaardij Princenhof The Stripe 2, Earnewâld

Afternoon tour Grou   Program You will take a wonderful cruise through National Park De Alde Feanen. During the cruise, a stop will be made in the characteristic village of...