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Self Skûtsjesile!

Boarding at the Otter Statue near Earnewald Tourist Office Piet Miedemaweg 9, Earnewâld

Self skûtsjesile! in National Park De Alde Feanen   From July 24 to August 11, 2024. Every Wednesday and Sunday afternoon from 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. and 3:30 -...

Regional market in Earnewâld

Wiidsweipleintje opposite COOP Supermarket Wester Wiidswei 7, Earnewâld

Regional market in Earnewâld     Are you a lover of local produce. Then come to the regional market in Earnewâld on the following Sunday afternoons.   Sunday afternoon, July...

Round trip “De Alde Feanen

jetty Rondvaardij Princenhof The Stripe 2, Earnewâld

Round trip "De Alde Feanen 'De Princenhof' and 'De Alde Feanen' near Earnewâld are among the most beautiful unspoiled nature reserves in the Netherlands. With its beautiful lakes and canals,...

Suppen in Earnewâld

Ring canal Piet Miedemaweg 9, Earnewâld

Suppen in Earnewâld Experience what supping is and do a total work-out on the SUP. Between 14.00 and 16.00 hours supping with a short clinic. Playful spectacle on the ring...