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SKS Skûtsjesilen Elahuizen

jetty Rondvaardij Princenhof The Stripe 2, Earnewâld

SKS Skûtsjesilen Elahuizen Skûtsjesilen is Friesland's water sports event. Experience the battle up close and take one of our party ships to the races below. The start of the races...


Fairground in Earnewâld

Pizel slice Wiidswei 1A, Earnewâld

Fairground in Earnewâld   During the start of the construction season and SKS skûtsjesilen, the village is celebrating. On the grounds at the marina there is a carnival!

Fairground in Earnewâld

Pizel slice Wiidswei 1A, Earnewâld

Fairground in Earnewâld   During the start of the construction season and SKS skûtsjesilen, the village is celebrating. On the grounds at the marina there is a carnival!

Twilight tour through National Park De Alde Feanen

jetty Hotel Princenhof Piet Miedemaweg 15, Earnewâld

Twilight tour through National Park De Alde Feanen From July 5 to August 31, 2024, a whisper pram departs every Friday and Saturday evening for a scenic tour from the...