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Skûtsjes & De Brêgesjongers

8 June 14:00 - 16:00

Skûtsjes & the Brêgesjongers

Pentecost Sunday, June 8, 2025, the shanty choir the Brêgesjongers comes to the harbor. Starting at 2 p.m., they will perform. While the public admires the skûtsjes, the Brêgesjongers at the Ringvaart sing at the top of their voices.

Founded in 1997, the shanty choir ”De Brêgesjongers” from Opeinde is by now among the cream of the northern shanty world. As a result, the 35-member choir is a welcome guest at various shanty festivals, village fairs and other events and festivities. We additionally provide residents of senior centers with an enjoyable afternoon or evening.

Under the direction of our musical ”all-rounder” Willem Zijlstra, the choir practices in earnest twice a month. In doing so, the musical accompaniment consists of two accordions, three drawstring bags, drums, bass guitar and guitar. A bass tuba and a flute are also among our instruments.

Several years ago, our first CD was also released. As for the name De Brêgesjongers, just a clarification. It is true that De Pein has a large number of bridges, but the name originated after a one-time appearance around Christmas on a skûtsje near the main bridge. That one-time performance struck such a chord, however, that it still stands today and is quite a man, for more information

Don’t miss it and come to Earnewâld!

There is plenty of playtime for children on the large pirate ship and zip line.

This activity is part of the summer activities organized in Earnewâld under the banner “Eltse snein wat by d’ein!”. Every Sunday afternoon from May through September, the middle class and local associations organize an activity that takes place in and around the center of Earnewâld.


8 June
14:00 - 16:00


Tourist Office Earnewâld
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Earnewald Tourist Office
Piet Miedemaweg 9
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